Is the Heel of Your Foot Hurting? Here’s How to Fix It!

Is the Heel of Your Foot Hurting? Here’s How to Fix It!

Is the Heel of Your Foot Hurting? Here’s How to Fix It! If your foot hurts on the bottom or you’re dealing with persistent pain on the heel, you know how much it can slow...
Muscle Cramps

Muscle Cramps

You’re simply minding your own business, getting up from your office chair, or walking to the refrigerator, or bending over to pick up your child’s toy, when suddenly your own body attacks you in the...
Yes, Runners Get Thyroid Disease, Too. Here’s Why That’s Confusing

Yes, Runners Get Thyroid Disease, Too. Here’s Why That’s Confusing

"At first, Olympic marathoner Jared Ward thought he was just tired. He’s 33, with five kids ranging from 11 months to 9 years old. Surely, some extra fatigue comes with the territory.But Ward—a statistics professor—soon...
What’s the Big Deal with Water?

What’s the Big Deal with Water?

"Drink 8 glasses of water a day” “Drink your bodyweight in ounces” “Drink a cup of water for every soda” We all know we need water, but why? And how much should we actually be drinking?...
Kickstarter Update: METEOR MINI

Kickstarter Update: METEOR MINI

Get notified when kickstarter is live Everything was going great. Our Kickstarter campaign had raked in over $117k in funds, barely halfway through and momentum was just picking up! Aaaaand then Kickstarter canceled our campaign....
Top Three Shoulder Injuries

Top Three Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder injuries are extremely common — they are one of those things that you or someone you know has likely experienced. They typically vary in degree of seriousness, but if any shoulder injury is left...
Realistic New Year's Weight Loss and Diet Goals for 2021

Realistic New Year's Weight Loss and Diet Goals for 2021

With each new year, it’s hard not to reflect on the year prior with some regret. Instead of dwelling on the past, look forward and plan ahead! 2021 is around the corner, and after the...
How to Stay Healthy In the Holiday Season

How to Stay Healthy In the Holiday Season

“Healthy” means different things to each person, but we’re going to talk broadly about how you can stay healthy during the holidays, which can be personalized for your specific goals and habits.  Even in the...
How to Overcome the Biggest Barriers to a Consistent Workout Schedule

How to Overcome the Biggest Barriers to a Consistent Workout Schedule

Have you ever heard the sentiment, “if it was easy, everyone would do it.”? That applies here. Now, before you get defensive and list off your very real and difficult barriers to exercise, we want...